Procedure Of Manifestation of Interest (PMI)

It is the instrument by which individuals formalize their interest in proposing studies, projects and solutions for the Public Administration, with a view to the future structuring of a concession or PPP project;

  • Product 1: Simplified environmental diagnosis
  • Product 2: Territoriality research
  • Product 3: Simplified Impact Research
  • Product 4: Legal aspects
  • Product 5: Preliminary Architectural and Urbanistic Study
  • Product 6: Economic and financial feasibility study

  • Analysis of the Products:

    To monitor and analyze the products of PMI was created Technical Group composed of multidisciplinary team PMF;
    The OAB, ICMBio, Acatmar, AsBEA, Fundação Certi and CREA / SC were among the entities that participated in the analysis of the projects, through opinions and assisting the technical group;
    A team of notorious knowledge holders also provided consulting and support for project analysis. Its members, who volunteered, were: Amyr Klink, with experience in the nautical sector; Jaime Lerner, urban project; Nelson Ronnie dos Santos, Superintendent of BRDE, who gave his opinion on economics, and José Eduardo Azevedo Fiates, Executive Director of Sapiens Parque, who spoke about innovation and technology.

    Participation of Navigator Amyr Klink - PMF Technical Group Meeting